A Grim View of George Lucas’ Ideology 

Star Wars inconsistencies and contradictions have always drove me crazy. The difference between Yoda in the original trilogy vs the prequels is gigantic. This interview with author David Brin questions the ideology presented by George Lucas. While it may seem ridiculous to analyze a perceived pop corn movie this much, it is an interesting take on what people get from the movies vs what Lucas is pushing.

Stars Wars belongs to our dark past—a long, tyrannical epoch of fear, illogic, despotism, and demagoguery that our ancestors struggled…

Source: Yoda Is Dead but Star Wars’ Dubious Lessons Live On

A Grim View of George Lucas’ Ideology 

Here’s a new playlist for June 9, 2017

Left End Take In Stride
70’s rock like Silverhead

Tygers Of Pan Tang Wild Catz

Alice Cooper Ballad of Dwight Fry
You have a problem if you don’t know Alice Cooper

The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Delilah
Yup the song Tom Jones made famous

Satisfact Dysfunction
Doing the post-punk revival 10 years before everyone else

U.D.O. Don’t Look Back
From ormer Accept main man’s 2nd solo record

Avatarium The Starless Sleep
Leif Edling of Candlemass’ newish project

Pond Moth
Weirdo’s from the 90’s not really grunge

Samiam She’s A Part Of Me
Indie pop punk

ILLLS Our Shadow

Zoom Balboa’s Cannon
Angular 90’s indie rock

Sprinkler Kent

The Futura Bold We Shoot Golden
Former Mary My Hope guy

Flo & Eddie Cheap
These guys sing on something you own

Flower Leperds *Only 12 years old

Fastbacks Gone To The Moon
What I think of when I hear pop punk

Drive Like Jehu Bullet Train to Vegas

Blue Oyster Cult Black Blade
Moorcock lyrics about Stormbringer and Elric

Doggy Style Peace in the City
Thoughtful for a band called Doggy Style

Sentinel Beast Dogs Of War

Here’s a new playlist for June 9, 2017