The first true-color images of Saturn taken during Cassini’s close encounter are coming in — and they’re beautiful! – ImaGeo

A close-up image of Saturn shows a striking, sky-blue hurricane eye swirling at the north pole—1,200 miles across with clouds moving at 330 miles per hour.

Source: The first true-color images of Saturn taken during Cassini’s close encounter are coming in — and they’re beautiful! – ImaGeo

The first true-color images of Saturn taken during Cassini’s close encounter are coming in — and they’re beautiful! – ImaGeo

Download 200+ Modern Art Books from the Guggenheim Museum | Open Culture

For at least half a decade now, New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum has been digitizing its exhibition catalogs and other art books. Now you can find all of the publications made available so far — not just to read, but to download in PDF and ePub formats — at the Internet Archive.

Source: Download 200+ Modern Art Books from the Guggenheim Museum | Open Culture

Download 200+ Modern Art Books from the Guggenheim Museum | Open Culture